
Style Watch: American Apparel

Check out Orient’s watch line for American Apparel, featuring an array of vintage style gold-colored watches. With over 20+ styles and prices ranging from $80-$185, these watches are hip, funky, and affordable!

American Apparel is known for featuring the essentials for any wardrobe and their items are always made with quality materials and care, so it’s no surprise these two companies are working together!

Click on the watch picture to view full details on the American Apparel website.



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Style Watch: American Apparel | Orient Watch USA

Style Watch: American Apparel

Check out Orient’s watch line for American Apparel, featuring an array of vintage style gold-colored watches. With over 20+ styles and prices ranging from $80-$185, these watches are hip, funky, and affordable!

American Apparel is known for featuring the essentials for any wardrobe and their items are always made with quality materials and care, so it’s no surprise these two companies are working together!

Click on the watch picture to view full details on the American Apparel website.



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