
Style Watch: Retro

For the past couple years, we have seen a rise in retro attire. Men are sporting fedoras, skinny ties, horn-rimmed glasses, and wing-tips. Women are wearing high-waisted jean shorts, bustier tops, and big hair.

So what better way to accessorize than with a retro watch!

Since retro literally means something new made to look vintage have no worries, you won’t have to buy anything old and rickety.

Orient has plenty of classy retro watches to choose from.

For men, Camera, one of Orient’s best-sellers, is a perfect example of a watch whose vintage appeal will work perfectly with your retro ensemble.  Vintage is a handsome watch and another retro option.

For women, check out Jumbo, which features retro styling and comes in 10 different styles.

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Style Watch: Retro | Orient Watch USA

Style Watch: Retro

For the past couple years, we have seen a rise in retro attire. Men are sporting fedoras, skinny ties, horn-rimmed glasses, and wing-tips. Women are wearing high-waisted jean shorts, bustier tops, and big hair.

So what better way to accessorize than with a retro watch!

Since retro literally means something new made to look vintage have no worries, you won’t have to buy anything old and rickety.

Orient has plenty of classy retro watches to choose from.

For men, Camera, one of Orient’s best-sellers, is a perfect example of a watch whose vintage appeal will work perfectly with your retro ensemble.  Vintage is a handsome watch and another retro option.

For women, check out Jumbo, which features retro styling and comes in 10 different styles.

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